2024 Habits: August Update
To see the video, click here or on the image above.
August Update: Where Have I Been?
I am so late to the party—again! I cannot believe it has been months since my last update. Time to change that! It’s HERE!
In case you missed it, here’s a recap of this series:
I decided in December 2023 and the beginning of January to change some things in my quilting life that just weren’t working for me. After evaluating the good, bad, and ugly, I came up with my top five habits I wanted to implement in 2024. I have a video on this, which you can find here and a blog post, too! You can find that here.
You may have noticed that I didn’t post a video in May, June, and July—UGH! Why did I let it go so long? Your guess is as good as mine. Better late than never, right?
Now that it is the first day of August 2024, I am going to evaluate how I did over the past few months by giving myself a score and where I did well and where I need to improve. Since I am a former teacher, I am going to stick with what I know, using the terms Glow (where I did well) and Grow (where I need improvement).
If you are interested in tracking your own progress with habits, click here for a worksheet to help you out.
Let’s get started evaluating August’s progress!
Habit 1: Keep My Cutting Table Clear
This Month’s Score: 4/5
I did great this month! I even bought a new sign! The only issue I am having is that we are remodeling the sewing room and things are getting piled on the cutting table because of that. It’s temporary, right? No big deal! Still, overall, I did great!
Glow: New IN-YOUR-FACE sign is up! YAY!
Grow: Find a balance during renovations!
Habit 2: Finishing Projects
This Month’s Score: 5/5
Over the past few months, I have finished A LOT of projects!
This habit is coming along nicely. When I start a project, I finish it. It feels so good to have completed projects. Less Quilt Guilt!
Glow: I made table runners; place mats; finished my pandemic quilt; quilted and bound both Roll With It quilts (AND wrote a pattern for it! Check it out in my shop!); made a sunflower tech tote; a zipper pouch from an old quilt; completed a bug quilt; worked with micro scraps; and more! Very productive few months, for sure!
Grow: Keep up the good work!
Habit 3: Creating More Healthy Quilting Habits
This Month’s Score: 4/5
I am doing really well with this, but there is still room for improvement. I am drinking water more, taking movement breaks, and improving my sewing room environment. In fact, we started the sewing room renovation! YAY! The holes are drilled for the lights. This is BIG. Can’t wait to see how this all comes together!
Staying Hydrated
Improving My Sewing Room Environment
Taking Movement Breaks
Sewing Room Remodel
Glow: The holes are measured and cut for the recessed lighting in my sewing room. This wasn’t an easy task! We had to drills 28 holes! YES! 28! And make sure they are in the right places.
Grow: Get a move on the other areas of this remodel. I have been dragging my feet with painting my cutting table. It has been years. I need to do this!
Habit 4: Learn to FMQ (Free Motion Quilt) On My Domestic Machine
This Month’s Score: 5/5
Oh, my goodness! I did it and I love it! What was I so afraid of? I am not sure, but I did it! YAY! I took a class and the rest is history!
Glow: I conquered my fear and DID IT! YAY!
Grow: Need to practice more often.
Habit 5: Further Embrace My Quilting Community
This Month’s Score: 5/5
I really have been kicking butt on this goal, if I do say so myself! Classes, participating, and even teaching at the Conquer Your Fabric Scraps Summit this year! Registration is now open! It is FREE and wonderful! Click here to register! I hope to “see” you there!
Glow: I am doing great with this goal!
Grow: Don’t lose momentum!
Let me know what you think! This helps me stay accountable, so please feel free to give me any suggestions!
Happy Quilting!