2024 Habits: April Update
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April: How Did I Do?
I decided in December 2023 and the beginning of January to change some things in my quilting life that just weren’t working for me. After evaluating the good, bad, and ugly, I came up with my top five habits I wanted to implement in 2024. I have a video on this, which you can find here and a blog post, too! You can find that here.
You may have noticed I didn’t post a March update at the beginning of the March about how February went with the goals. Honestly, we had a lot of family things happening in February and found very little time to work on these goals. The important part is to forgive yourself and move on, right? I am not going to let this derail my progress.
Now that it is the first day of April 2024, I am going to evaluate how I did in March by giving myself a score and where I did well and where I need to improve. Since I am a former teacher, I am going to stick with what I know, using the terms Glow (where I did well) and Grow (where I need improvement).
If you are interested in tracking your own progress with habits, click here for a worksheet to help you out.
Let’s get started evaluating March’s progress!
Habit 1: Keep My Cutting Table Clear
This Month’s Score: 4/5
My mistake in March was removing the sign. I think I thought I was good and the habit was well-established. It wasn’t. I realize I need the sign as a reminder or I will continue to dump stuff on my cutting table. So, the sign is back until this becomes a more permanent habit.
Glow: When the sign up up, the cutting table stayed clean.
Grow: Make a cuter sign and reclaim my thread holder. :)
Habit 2: Finishing Projects
This Month’s Score: 5/5
This was a good month for finishing projects! YAY!
As I made projects for videos, I finished them. YES! That’s the best feeling! The crazy quilt is probably my favorite, but I also finished an old UFO (I Spy quilt) and sent that to a special little boy for his birthday. He loved it!
I also organized my flimsies (quilt tops), found backings for them, and bundled them up so they are ready to go. Adding to this, I made index cards with the bundles to help me stay organized (a video coming next month on this process).
Lastly, I purchased a giant roll of batting. This is a game-changer! It is much easier to finish projects when organized.
Glow: In February, I finished 15 panel projects for the panel project videos (10 St. Patrick’s Day and five for Valentine’s Day: pillows covers from old quilts; and two heart wall hangings. In March, I finished two quilts: I Spy Quilt and Crazy Quilt. I’ve been busy! :) I also organized projects. YAY, me!
Grow: Keep up the good work!
Habit 3: Creating More Healthy Quilting Habits
Focus For This Month: Hydration
This Month’s Score: 4/5
Improving air quality was a huge goal for me. After February’s update, I realized I had terrible air quality—much worse than I thought. To improve this, I purchased an air purifier and it has made a huge difference! Since I feel this goal has been reached (I will keep monitoring it, however), I am replacing this item with Improving Sewing Room Environment. This is the year I am tackling redecorating my sewing room!
Staying Hydrated
Improving Air Quality Improving Sewing Room Environment
Taking Movement Breaks
Operation Hydration
Although I did attempt to improve in all three of these areas, my primary focus in March was on staying hydrated. And I did it. Mostly, I purchased one of those Stanley tumblers that holds 40 oz. of water. Honestly, I didn’t know if I wanted it because it was cute or for hydration, but let me tell you—it has worked! I am so much better at drinking water now. Sometimes you just need a cute cup to make make it happen. Am I right? I am only giving myself a 4 out of 5 because I have to remember to fill it in the morning. If I don’t fill it first thing, I am less likely to fill it later.
Glow: After thinking long and hard about what would help this issue of me not drinking water. I decided to take the plunge (pun intended) and get a cute cup that holds a lot of water. And it is orange. How can you go wrong with orange?
Grow: Remember to fill it before coming into my sewing room in the morning. It has to be filled for me to use it, right?
Habit 4: Learn to FMQ (Free Motion Quilt) On My Domestic Machine
This Month’s Score: 0/5
Okay. Hear me out. I did not practice Free Motion Quilting at all in February or March, but I thought about it! 😀 Does that count? Ugh. What is stopping me? In other news, I am doing a lot of straight-line quilting. That counts, right? Yeah, yeah—I know it doesn’t. There is always next month.
Glow: I am taking a FMQ workshop in April. That’s good, right?
Grow: Good grief! Just do it already!
Habit 5: Further Embrace My Quilting Community
This Month’s Score: 5/5
I did great at this in February and March! I went to workshops, I participated in a community projects, I worked on our guild’s raffle quilt—all of it! Look at me establishing this habit! Being with your tribe is so important. I have so much fun, too!
Glow: With everything going on in my life in February, I am proud of myself for doing everything that I did.
Grow: I want to take an online class. Other than that, I am going to keep it up!
Let me know what you think! This helps me stay accountable, so please feel free to give me any suggestions!
Happy Quilting!