2024 Habits: September Update

To see the video, click HERE or on the image above. 

Just in case you are new to this series, here is a recap:

I decided in December 2023 and the beginning of January to change some things in my quilting life that just weren’t working for me. After evaluating the good, bad, and ugly, I came up with my top five habits I wanted to implement in 2024. I have a video on this, which you can find here and a blog post, too! You can find that here.

Although I have kept my goals in mind throughout the year so far, I haven’t been great about updating my progress each month (yet another goal I need to implement? I think so!). These videos and blogs have helped keep my accountable. After all, I know I will be reporting to all of YOU on this, and I don’t want to let you down. I highly recommend having someone to keep you accountable, if not in a public way like I am doing, then in a group of friends. It helps me so much!

September Update: On Track!

Here are some highlights from this month. I took a wonderful class with Andrea Hoke called The Wonky Log Cabin (LOVE it!), we added lights to my sewing space, I made a bunch of reusable holiday gift bags, and sweet Daisy had TPLO (human equivalent of ACL) surgery.

Now that it is the first week of September 2024, I am going to evaluate how I did in August by giving myself a score and where I did well and where I need to improve. Since I am a former teacher, I am going to stick with what I know, using the terms Glow (where I did well) and Grow (where I need improvement).

If you are interested in tracking your own progress with habits, click here for a worksheet to help you out.

Let’s get started evaluating this month’s progress!

Habit 1: Keep My Cutting Table Clear

This Month’s Score: 3/5

Okay, okay. I didn’t do that well with this. Are you ready for the excuses? HA! I always have them! This month, we are starting the renovation in the sewing room. This will probably be a long process, so please hold your applause for when it is complete. Anywho, we (and by “we” I mean my husband mostly) has been putting in the lights—28 of them, as a matter of fact! Because of this, things in general were a mess and unfortunately, the cutting table became a workbench table. It was a mess. The good news is it drove me crazy, telling me I am making progress, right? I enjoy having this space clear. It helps with my crazy brain.

Glow: It must be an established habit because—hello!—the clutter made me crazy!

Grow: Figure out a solution for the rest of the renovations.

Habit 2: Finishing Projects

This Month’s Score: 5/5

I am kicking butt with this one! Wow, am I ever on a roll. This is also becoming a habit, I think. This month I completed five reusable holiday gift bags, have most of my yellow wonky log cabin blocks completed from a class I took on August 24th, AND I have been making progress on my Pumpkin Kisses quilt that I started last year. I also dropped off the camping quilt at the longarmer. Finally, I finished a quilt for a collaboration video that is going to be released in November. It is made with all scraps, and I can’t wait to share that quilt with everyone. In fact, I just ordered the backing for it today, so that is yet another finish for next month, I hope.

Now for the downside: I am getting a bit too obsessed with finished projects, to the point that nothing else matters. It is called balance for a reason. I need to find that balance for sure.

Glow: Staying on track!

Grow: Maybe back off a little on the urgency and find a good balance.

Habit 3: Creating More Healthy Quilting Habits

This Month’s Score: 4/5

This! LIGHTS! New lighting and, more importantly, appropriated lighting for the size of this space has been a game-changer in my sewing space. I mean, look at all that light! Wow, wow, wow! You’d think I would give myself a 5/5, right? Welllll, haven’t been great with taking movement breaks OR staying hydrated.

Glow: Literally glowing with lighting!

Grow: Remember movement breaks and hydration!

Habit 4: Learn to FMQ (Free Motion Quilt) On My Domestic Machine

This Month’s Score: 0/5

I did nothing in this area. Nada. Not once did I FMQ. I can’t hardly believe it when I reflected in this area. This needs to be a priority! If you don’t use it, you lose it. Sort of. Lemme explain: It is like riding a bike in many ways. When I DO sit down to do it, it all comes back to me, BUT the longer I wait between FMQing sessions, the scary it becomes. I tend to get into my own head with it, saying things like: It takes so long to set it up (it doesn’t); what if I mess up because I am out of practice (I won’t, and if I do, I can take it out); I don’t have the time to do it (I do.). Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Glow: I’ve got nothing. Nada.

Grow: This is easy—DO it already! You need the practice, Kris!

Habit 5: Further Embrace My Quilting Community

Habit 5: Further Embrace My Quilting Community

This Month’s Score: 5/5

So much happening in this category! I took a class with Andrea Hoke called Wonky Log Cabin. It was so much fun! I also participated in Conquer Your Fabric Scrap Summit sponsored by The Ruffled Purse. Lastly, I worked on our guild’s Christmas quilt. So much happening in this month!

Glow: I am doing great with this goal!

Grow: I still haven’t taken on online class. I really want to do that.

Let me know what you think! This helps me stay accountable, so please feel free to give me any suggestions!

Happy Quilting!



Lessons from an Old Bright Bowtie Quilt


Holiday Gift Bag