What Can We Make With One Charm Pack?
To see the complete tutorial, click on the image above or click HERE.
Just One Charm Pack
What can you make with just one charm pack? This is the question I had when started playing with a charm pack one Sunday afternoon. I loved how the fall quilt came out from my video tutorial One Layer Cake Quilt, and I wanted to make something just as fun to put together. After a few hours of slicing, dicing, and sewing, this pattern was born.
Here’s the full tutorial: Just One Charm Pack
Let’s Get Started!
Project Details:
Block Size: 8.5” (8” finished)
Runner Layout: 2 x 5
Number of Blocks Needed: 10
Size 40.5” x 16.5”
Sample Shown:
Fabric Line Used in Tutorial: Dawn on the Prairie by Fancy That Design House by Moda
Halloween Sample Shown: Halloween Sample: Midnight Magic 2 by April Rosenthal for Moda
Green Sample Shown: Prairie Grass by Holly Taylor for Moda
You can also use scraps for this project.
Here is a list of supplies you will need for this project:
The charm pack I am using for this project is called Dawn on the Prairie by Fancy That Design House for Moda, but any charm pack will work.
The first step in making this is to separate the fabrics into three piles: lights, mediums, and darks. Once they are separated, take a picture of the piles and change the picture into black and white. This will allow you to see the color value. You can also use a Ruby Beholder (red film) to determine the color value. Don’t trust your eyes. They lie! :)
For this project, we need 20 lights and 20 darks. The mediums can be put into either category (light or dark) and we will be careful not to put two mediums next to each other. However, with the charm pack I am using for this tutorial, there are 20 lights, eight mediums, and 12 darks. This made it easy (that never happens!). I could add the eight mediums to the dark pile to get a full 20. YAY!
Let’s Start Sewing!
Match each light with each medium/dark, right sides together, and sew opposite sides using 1/4” seam allowance. Set the seams after sewing. Make sure the entire stack is facing the same direction with the back of the light fabric facing up in the stack. Separate the pile into two (ten in each pile). Flip one of the piles over so the back of the medium/dark fabric is up. Set this pile aside for right now.
Let’s Start Cutting!
For each unit, draw a line down the center (2.5” from the edge of the fabric) of the light fabric. Place scissors between the layers and cut on the line. Do this for all of the units. Open and press to the medium/dark fabric.
Next, do the same thing with the second set of 10, but instead of marking/cutting the light fabric, mark and cut the medium/dark fabric. Press to the medium/dark centers. You should have two piles: one with 10 medium/dark centers and one with 10 light centers.
Time to Sort!
Separate each pile into two piles (five in each pile). You should have four piles, each with five units. Take one of each sub-pile (one set of five units that have light centers and one set of five units that have medium/dark centers) and set them aside. These will be the middle of our blocks.
More Slicing and Dicing!
With the remaining two sets of five (one set of five units that have light centers and one set of five units that have medium/dark centers), measure in 2.5” and cut each in half lengthwise. Keep each set of two together.
Retrieve the other set we put aside (the middles). Match and sew the 2.5” sets to the sides of the middle units. For the units with light fabric in the middle, press toward the outside of the block. For the units with medium/dark fabrics in the middle, press toward the dark centers.
Squaring Up The Blocks
Yay! We are almost finished with the blocks! Two square up the block, place the 2” make on the at the upper right intersection as shown in the photo. Trim the right side and the top of the block. Rotate the block so that the top right corner is at the bottom left position. Place the 8.5” mark on the left and bottom of the block. Cut the right side and the top. Your block is now square!
Putting It All Together!
For a table runner, lay out all the blocks, alternating blocks with light centers and dark centers. Layout five blocks across and two down, for a total of ten blocks. Sew the rows together and finish as desired! That’s it! Easy peasy! ❤️
More Sizes:
If you want to make this into a quilt, here are the details: You can always cut a layer cake in quarters or cut from fat quarters or yardage)
2 Charm Packs
32” x 40” = 20 Blocks = (80) 5” Squares (2 Extra Charm Squares)
3 Charm Packs
32” x 48” = 24 Blocks = (96) 5” Squares (12 Extra Charm Squares)
40” x 40” = 25 Blocks = (100) 5” Squares (26 Extra Charm Squares)
40” x 48” = 30 Blocks = (120) 5” Squares (6 Extra Charm Squares)
4 Charm Packs
40” x 56” = 35 Blocks = (140) 5” Squares (28 Extra Charm Squares)
40” x 64” = 40 Blocks = (160) 5” Squares (8 Extra Charm Squares)
48” x 48” = 36 Blocks = (144) 5” Squares (24 Extra Charm Squares)
5 Charm Packs
48” x 64”: 48 Blocks = (192) 5” Squares (18 extra Charm Squares)
56” x 56”: 49 Blocks = (196) 5” Squares (14 Extra Charm Squares)
6 Charm Packs
48” x 56”: 54 Blocks = (216) 5” Squares (36 Extra Charm Squares)
48” x 72”: 54 Blocks = (216) 5” Squares (36 Extra Charm Squares)
56” x 64”: 56 Blocks = (224) 5” Squares (28 Extra Charm Squares)
56” x 72”": 63 Blocks = (252) 5” Squares (NO Extra Charm Squares!)
7 Charm Packs
56” x 80”: 70 Blocks = (280) 5” squares (14 Extra Charm Squares)
64” x 64”: 64 Blocks = (256) 5” Squares (38 Extra Charm Squares)
64” x 72”: 72 Blocks = (288) 5” Squares (16 Extra Charm Squares)
8 Charm Packs
64” x 80”: 80 Blocks = (320) 5” Squares (16 Extra Charm Squares)
72” x 72”: 81 Blocks = (324) 5” Squares (12 Extra Charm Squares)
9 Charm Packs
64” x 88”: 88 Blocks = (352) 5” Squares (26 Extra Charm Squares)
72” x 80”: 90 Blocks = (360) 5” Squares (12 Extra Charm Squares)
10 Charm Packs
64” x 96”: 96 Blocks = (384) 5” Squares (36 Extra Charm Squares)
72” x 88”: 99 Blocks = (396) 5” Squares (24 Extra Charm Squares)
11 Charm Packs
72” x 96”: 108 Blocks = (432) 5” Squares (30 Extra Charm Squares)