How To Make A Pillow Cover
Pillow Making Kris ONeill Pillow Making Kris ONeill

How To Make A Pillow Cover

Don’t you just love making your own home decor? These pillow covers are super easy to make and fun, too! From this tutorial, you will be able to turn almost any fabric panel into a pillow such as a quilt block, a fabric panel, or just a really pretty piece of fabric you love!

In these instructions, I will show you have to make an envelope pillow cover two different ways and include the math for both!

Let’s get started on how to do this!

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Just One Layer Cake Hourglass Quilt
Layer Cake Quilts, Precut Projects Kris ONeill Layer Cake Quilts, Precut Projects Kris ONeill

Just One Layer Cake Hourglass Quilt

Like in my last Just One Layer Cake video, this quilt all started with me playing with a layer cake. Mind you, my first attempt isn’t always the one I go with. In fact, this quilt took a few attempts to find something that I liked. It is also important to note that I don’t always love the layer cake I am using after I open it up. Both of these came into play with this one. I carried on, however, bound and determined to make a One Layer Cake quilt! I can do it!

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What Can We Make With One Charm Pack?
Precut Projects Kris ONeill Precut Projects Kris ONeill

What Can We Make With One Charm Pack?

What can you make with just one charm pack? This is the question I had when started playing with a charm pack one Sunday afternoon. I loved how the fall quilt came out from my video tutorial One Layer Cake Quilt, and I wanted to make something just as fun to put together. After a few hours of slicing, dicing, and sewing, this pattern was born.

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7 Lies Quilters Tell
Quilting Tips Kris ONeill Quilting Tips Kris ONeill

7 Lies Quilters Tell

I must confess. I tell a lot of lies in my quilting life. The majority of these lies are things I tell myself, promises I make, deals and systems that don’t pan out, so many things! Please tell me I am not alone. Although there are probably at least 20 lies I tell myself, here are my top seven.

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Just One Layer Cake Quilt

Just One Layer Cake Quilt

One day when I just wanted to sew, I went on a search for a layer cake pattern and stumbled across Jenny Doan’s Double Slice tutorial. Click here for the link. While I was making it, I went a little rogue and came up with this pattern. Although I haven’t gone back and made the Double Slice quilt (I plan to someday), I am loving this variation! It is so much fun to make!

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