Everything Jelly Rolls
Quilting Tips Kris ONeill Quilting Tips Kris ONeill

Everything Jelly Rolls

So, what is it exactly? A jelly roll, which got its name from the pretty shape, is a set of 2.5” fabric strips. Each usually contains (40-42) 2.5” x WOF (width of fabric), but some contain less. Because the width of fabric (selvage to selvage) can vary between prints, each strip can be shorter of longer depending on the print. Generally, each strip is between 42” and 44” long.

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5 Tips For Making Scrap Quilts
Quilting Tips Kris ONeill Quilting Tips Kris ONeill

5 Tips For Making Scrap Quilts

Are you a quilting enthusiast with a collection of fabric scraps that seems to grow endlessly? Embrace the world of scrap quilting and turn those leftover pieces into stunning, one-of-a-kind creations. To help you get started on your scrap quilting journey, I’ve compiled five indispensable tips that will not only simplify the process but also elevate your quilting game to the next level.

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7 Lies Quilters Tell
Quilting Tips Kris ONeill Quilting Tips Kris ONeill

7 Lies Quilters Tell

I must confess. I tell a lot of lies in my quilting life. The majority of these lies are things I tell myself, promises I make, deals and systems that don’t pan out, so many things! Please tell me I am not alone. Although there are probably at least 20 lies I tell myself, here are my top seven.

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Make Layer Cakes from Scraps

Make Layer Cakes from Scraps

In this fun and informative tutorial, I'll show you step-by-step how to transform your fabric scraps into a colorful and unique layer cake. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced sewist, this project is perfect for everyone. It's not only a fantastic way to use up those fabric remnants but also a satisfying stash-busting experience.

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Change Those Blades!
Quilting Tips Kris ONeill Quilting Tips Kris ONeill

Change Those Blades!

Aren’t rotary cutters the best? What did we ever do without them? We do, however, have to change the blades, and for many quilters (myself included for a very long time!), it is intimidating. The biggest concern is always this: What if we cut ourselves? After all, that blade is super sharp!

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