Lessons from an Old Kitchen Sink Quilt
Antique Quilts Kristine ONeill Antique Quilts Kristine ONeill

Lessons from an Old Kitchen Sink Quilt

I bought this old quilt top at an auction for $20.00. It is affectionally known as The Kitchen Sink quilt because it has every color in it. Because of that, it also breaks some of the so-called quilting rules.

Come with me as we explore this amazing Kitchen Sink antique quilt top!

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Lessons from an Antique Scrap Quilt
Antique Quilts, Lessons from an Old Quilt Kristine ONeill Antique Quilts, Lessons from an Old Quilt Kristine ONeill

Lessons from an Antique Scrap Quilt

I have had this quilt in my collection for about two years now and have been waiting to share it with everyone. I am not sure why I waited so long—it is a beauty. Maybe I wanted to keep it to myself for a little longer? That is probably it. Although I say this about all the old quilts I review, this really is a favorite, and possible the one that has taught me the most. At one point I was going to make this my 100th Lessons from an Old Quilt video because it is so special, but I changed my mind. The time is now to share this one with the world. I hope you love it as much as I love it.

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5 Tips For Making Scrap Quilts
Quilting Tips Kristine ONeill Quilting Tips Kristine ONeill

5 Tips For Making Scrap Quilts

Are you a quilting enthusiast with a collection of fabric scraps that seems to grow endlessly? Embrace the world of scrap quilting and turn those leftover pieces into stunning, one-of-a-kind creations. To help you get started on your scrap quilting journey, I’ve compiled five indispensable tips that will not only simplify the process but also elevate your quilting game to the next level.

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